
Blossom end times

in a night light to read my name, that is, my tears of happiness!





今日、テクノロジーの急速な進歩に伴い、家庭用掃除用具も前例のない革新をもたらしています。コードレス掃除機は、その便利な操作体験とワイヤーの制約からの自由により、徐々に現代の家族の新たなお気に入りになりました。しかし、sofa vacuum cleaner多くの消費者にとって、コードレス掃除機は長年安定したコード付きモデルと本当に競合できるのか?という疑問が常に頭の中に残ります。

まず、コードレス掃除機によってもたらされた最大の変化、それは自由について触れなければなりません。ワイヤーに縛られることなく、狭い隙間、高い本棚、遠くのバルコニーなど、ユーザーは家の隅々まで思いのままに移動できます。furniture vacuumこれまでにない自由さにより、掃除がより効率的に、そして楽しくなります。対照的に、コード付き掃除機は性能が安定しているものの、コードの長さによって可動範囲が制限されることが多く、掃除中に拘束感を感じることがあります。

もちろん、掃除機にとって吸引力は重要な性能指標です。suction vacuum以前は、強力なモーターと安定した電力供給を備えたコード付き掃除機が吸引力で有利になることが多かった。しかし、バッテリー技術の急速な発展に伴い、コードレス掃除機の吸引力も常に向上しています。現在、多くのハイエンドのコードレス掃除機は、一部のコード付きモデルと同等、またはそれを超えており、毎日の掃除作業を十分に処理できます。もちろん、コードレス掃除機のバッテリー寿命は依然として懸念事項です。しかし、急速充電技術と大容量バッテリーの応用により、この問題は徐々に解決されつつあります。


最後に、コードレス掃除機のスマートなトレンドについて触れなければなりません。モノのインターネットと人工知能技術の継続的な発展に伴い、ますます多くのコードレス掃除機にインテリジェントな要素が組み込まれ始めています。地面の材質を自動的に識別し、吸引力を調整し、携帯電話のアプリを通じて遠隔制御することもできます。このインテリジェントなデザインは、ユーザー エクスペリエンスを向上させるだけでなく、将来のホーム クリーニングのインテリジェントな開発への道を示します。それに比べて、コード付き掃除機はこの点で遅れを取っています。








臨床的には、がん患者の 70% 以上が放射線療法を必要としています。放射線療法は、その名が示すとおり、放射線を使用して病変組織を診断および治療し、腫瘍および腫瘍領域に放射線を照射して腫瘍細胞を死滅させます。放射治療放射線療法の概念は、放射線が細胞、特に腫瘍細胞などの急速に成長する細胞を殺すというものであり、これが腫瘍治療の基本原理です。放射線療法は局所治療であるため、その主な機能は局所腫瘍を治療することです。









近年、放射線治療装置の継続的な改良により、治療計画システムは 2 次元計画から 3 次元計画へと発展してきました。たとえば、ガンマ線や X ナイフの適用により、より高い線量で腫瘍を死滅させることができます。近くの正常組織の線量は大幅に減少します。



なぜ多くの人が「放射線治療を受けるくらいなら死んだほうが良い」のでしょうか? 3種類のがんは放射線療法以上を選択





膵臓がんは悪性度が高い比較的一般的な膵臓腫瘍で、通常は潜行性で発症するため、早期の診断が困難です。腹部不快感と痛みが最も一般的な初期症状であり、多くの場合、患者の生存期間は非常に短く、罹患率と死亡率の点で世界のトップ 10 に入る悪性腫瘍の 1 つです。



膵臓がんは、初期段階では他の消化管疾患と混同されやすいため、特定が困難ですが、統計によると、治療を受けなかった膵臓がん患者の平均生存期間は、後期では限られています。手術をしても切除率が低く、再発や転移の発生率が高いため、膵臓がんの治療は困難であり、患者の5年生存率は15未満です。 %であり、ほとんどの患者は診断後1年以内に死亡します。

では、膵臓がんをできるだけ早期に発見するにはどうすればよいでしょうか?まず、高リスク因子を持つ人々は、腫瘍マーカーのスポットチェック、腹部 B 超音波検査、腹部 CT、腹部 MRI などを定期的に積極的に検査できます。次に、消化管に不快感が生じた場合、十分な注意を払い、特に消化不良、黄疸、糖尿病、または糖尿病が突然悪化した場合には注意し、できるだけ早く医師の診察を受けてください。





Prevention of pancreatic cancer focuses on screening, and high-risk groups need to be vigilant!

Miso Tahini Soup Recipe

Last weekend we took our little shop project, QUITOKEETO, to the Remodelista Holiday Market. It took place at the Heath Ceramics factory, and it was the first time we've done anything "out in the wild" related to the shop. So exciting! We brought a small assortment of items, had amazing neighbors on either side (hi Adele! hi Tracy!), and spent the day on the south side of Heath's incredible production floor, directly across from the massive tile kilns. A big thank you to Sarah, Julie, Alexa, and the rest of the Remodelista crew for having us, and to Heath for hosting. It was much fun meeting readers, customers, and all the artisans & designers at the market - heartfelt thanks to all of you who turned out. Needless to say, we prepped for the market the preceding day, and Tina made this beauty of a soup for lunch (a lot of times we take turns cooking lunch, or all cook together)...I suspect you'll love it as much as I did. It's simple, hearty, and restorative with brown rice, winter squash, and a miso-tahini broth. Then there's avocado, lemon zest, toasted nori, and chives to kept things lively and beautiful up top.

Miso Tahini Soup Recipe

Before I move on to a few shots from this weekend, I'll say a few more things about the soup. The broth is a lovely, creamy quick broth - its rich nuttiness is thanks to the inclusion of tahini. We served the vegetables and broth over brown rice, but you can certainly take it in other directions. You could serve it over soba, or with tofu, or take your bowl in a different direction entirely - with cooked beans or chickpeas, or(!) farro with a poached egg....

Miso Tahini Soup Recipe

The night before the market I blocked out what our table might look like on my kitchen island (above) - books, honey, perfume, knives, chocolate, etc....And you can see how it look at the actual market (below)...
Miso Tahini Soup RecipeMiso Tahini Soup RecipeMiso Tahini Soup Recipe

This was the view from our neighborhood as people were starting to set up in the morning. It was fascinating to watch the production floor transform into an fantastic market bustling with people. Already looking forward to next year. In the meantime, enjoy the soup (thank you T!) and have a wonderful holiday everyone. xo -h

Miso Tahini Soup

Kabocha squash is an alternative to delicata squash here. Or any winter squash, really. And the recipe calls for white miso here, but you can certainly experiment with another type of miso, or a blend. Just keep in mind some are much saltier (and stronger) than others, so add gradually if you're unsure.

1 small-medium delicata squash, seeded and sliced into 1/4-inch crescents
1 medium white turnip, peeled and cut into 3/4-inch pieces
4 cups water
4 tablespoons white miso, or to taste
1/4 cup tahini
zest of one lemon

~3 cups of cooked brown rice
1 avocado, sliced
1 bunch of chives, minced
toasted nori (or kale), crumbled, for serving
toasted sesame seeds

Add the squash and turnips to a large pot, cover with the water, and bring to a gentle boil. Simmer until the vegetables are tender, about 15 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and let it cool just slightly. Pour a few tablespoons of the hot water into a small bowl and whisk in the miso (to thin it out a bit--this step is to avoid clumping). Stir the thinned miso back into the pot along with the tahini, and lemon zest. At this point, taste, and adjust the broth to your liking, it might need a bit more miso (for saltiness)...or more tahini.

To serve, place a generous scoop of rice in each bowl along with some of the squash and turnips. Ladle broth over the vegetables, and finish with a few slices of avocado, a sprinkling of chives, toasted nori, and sesame seeds.

If you have leftovers and need to reheat the soup, you'll want to do so gently, over low heat, to preserve the qualities of the miso.

Heart of Gold

Once, I spent a couple of hours watching Marcella Hazan fix an artichoke dish from her newest cookbook (at that time) An entire room full of students hyptnotically watched her peel the leaves off an artichoke one by one until she had a pile next to her. We were all wondering the same thing. Finally 迪士尼美語 好唔好, someone asked "What are you going to do with those?" She looked puzzled for a few seconds and then announced that she was going to throw them away..."What would I do with them?" Now I understand that the artichoke heart was all she needed. If you have a fresh, just picked artichoke , the heart is pure gold!

This is a simple recipe that really showcases the best part of the artichoke: the heart. As dymnyno notes, the fresher the artichoke the better. You get rid of all of the leaves (don't despair, it's worth it!), gently steam the artichoke hearts until just tender and then coat them in egg and panko before crisping them in a shallow pool of olive oil. The richness of the crust and the slight bitterness of the artichoke are offset by the bright, aromatic lime and cumin dipping sauce. Make sure to serve these warm, while they're still nice and crisp hk hotel.

Serves 4 artichoke halves

Artichoke Hearts

2 globe artichokes, preferable with some stalk.
1/2 lemon
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 egg, beaten
1 cup dry bread crumbs

Prepare the artichokes: Peel all the leaves off the choke. Peel the stalk and with a paring knife neatly trim the bottom where you removed the leaves.
Cut the trimmed artichokes in half vertically and with a spoon remove the hairy choke. Be careful when cutting in half to evenly cut the stem, too.
Rub immediately with lemon juice so the artichoke doesn't get brown (which happens very quickly!). Steam the hearts until tender. Time will vary depending on the size of the hearts (about 15 minutes).
Dip each artichoke half into the egg and then into the bread crumbs.
Fry in the olive oil over medium heat until golden.
Set on paper towels to absorb the oil .

Creamy Cumin-Lime Dipping Sauce

1/2 cup creme fraiche
1 tsp cumin seeds, toasted and ground
finely grated zest of a lime
juice of a lime

Mix all the ingredients together, adding salt to taste.
Serve the golden hearts warm with the creamy dipping sauce.


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No Name Ninja

